Tree Of Life
Institute of Biblical Studies

Cultivating Futures
~One Leader At a Time~
TOLIBS Standard Policies
Assignments and Course Work
All assignments are required to be submitted within 2 weeks of the assignment date, unless otherwise instructed by the Professor.
There is a 3 day grace period, for LA1 Spiritual Bootcamp only, after which it is up to the Professor/Instructors discretion whether or not to accept your work.
Submitted assignments are to meet the 'HW Standard Format' which can be viewed or downloaded.
All assignments received and accepted past the due date will be assessed a 15% grade deduction unless prior arrangements have been made.
No assignments or other course work will be accepted after the end of the semester, unless permission is given by the Professor/Instructor.
A student cannot be absent more than three (3) times from any core curriculum class during a semester in order to receive credit for that class.
A student cannot be absent more than two (2) times from any advanced learning class in order to receive credit for that class.
Access to the online class will be denied at 15 minutes after the start of class.
Permission must be granted from the Registrar prior to auditing a course.
There is a $25.00 fee for each course audited.
Send auditing request(s) via the website or email to:
All matriculated, transcript eligible (Grades/Transcripts) and/or prior TOLIBS students are welcome to audit any class previously taken and successfully completed course.
Any class requested (outside of what was previously taken and successfully completed by the TOLIBS student) must be approved by the Dean and paid for in full prior to retaking the class.
For all audited classes, the Auditing fee must be paid in advance prior to receiving access to the class.
If approved you will be sent the Zoom information as well as a PayPal payment request.
Class Make-Up
All missed classes can be made up by watching the videos of the class.
All videos must be accessed and watched within 2 weeks of the missed class.
You must register to view the videos. Viewing the class videos by any other means (except those approved in writing by the Institutes Registrar/Dean) will not give you credit for the missed class.
Request for class make-up videos must be requested via the website or email.
You must include on the contact form or in your email the following information:
Subject Line: Requesting Missed Class Videos
Information/Text Box: Dates of Missed Class Videos Requested
Once your request is received the Registrars office will respond within 24 hours with the registration link which will be forwarded to the email you indicate.
Graduation Requirements
Students must successfully complete the entire 18Month Program to be eligible for graduation from the Leaders Arise! Program.
Successful completion is defined as:
A passing grade of 70 or higher in each course is required for graduation with certification.
A passing grade of 65 or higher will allow for graduation (without certification).
Students must meet all financial obligations in full to graduate.
All tuition balances must be paid in full by the last day of the semester.
Exceptions to this policy must be requested by the student directly to the President. Submit your request in writing to Please allow 72 hours for a response.
Students are expected to be in the classroom at the start of each class.
Any student arriving 10 minutes after start of class will be deemed late.
Any student arriving 15 minutes late or greater will be marked absent and denied access to the class room.
Three (3) lateness's are equivalent to one (1) absence.
Late Registration
Registration closes after the 3rd class from the beginning of the semester.