Tree Of Life
Institute of Biblical Studies

Cultivating Futures
~One Leader At a Time~

healing = freedom
At KOGIAH Global Healing Ministries we believe that healing is an essential part of spiritual growth. We believe that before you can truly help others you must first help yourself. We also believe that considering your past experiences, beliefs, and traumas as part of self-discovery opens the locked doors that can lead to cleansing and healing."
Part of KOGIAH's training arm is Tree Of Life Institute of Biblical Studies (TOLIBS). TOLIBS offers courses and programs designed with the goal of helping individuals connect with their inner selves and achieve emotional and spiritual wholeness. We strive to create a supportive and nurturing environment that encourages personal growth and development at every level. Our faculty and staff are committed to providing our students with the tools they need to become effective disciplers themselves. Hence, these two upcoming healing courses.
We implore you to take time to seek Jehovah for direction before signing up. Read about the classes (please click the 'Read More' buttons below). Then pray about joining with us as we embark on our next set of Healing Courses.
Finally, the cost.
Healing 101 is Free (though you must purchase your book via We do ask that you give a 'love offering' for Healing 101, as often as you are led to give, during the 10 weeks of study.
Healing 102 does have a cost. The total cost is $259 (US Dollars) which includes your books. Once the course is paid for in full your books will be mailed directly to you. This course must be paid for in full 2 weeks prior to the start date to ensure timely delivery of your books.
These courses require Courage, Stamina & Commitment.
Experience has taught us that those who see these clases through to the end find themselves emotionally & spiritually brighter, lighter and unhindered. We have also seen that this can lead to increased self-confidence and the ability to take on new challenges. Yet one of the greatest benefits we have noticed has been to the Kingdom of God where many are then more empowered to walk out Hebrews 12:1 which reads "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us".
You ready to run?
Hope to see you in class,
Tree Of Life Institute of Biblical Studies
KOGIAH Global Healing Ministries & Staff
Healing 101 - Soul Cleansing Course Information
This course is preparation for Healing 102. It requires dedicated time (10 weeks) of soul & body cleansing which involves fasting and the process of living your authentic life. (A paraphrase from 'The 40 Day Soul Fast'.) You will have work to do five days out of the week with Sat & Sun off. We will be meeting weekly on Tuesday evenings to go over all the assignments in a group format. Beause this will be an open discussion on 'Your' process the need for transparency & trustworthiness is also required. Once accepted into the class you will be asked to sign an agreement stating that what is shared here, stays here. Ready to Begin? Click the link below to Register. Once you've completed your registration make sure you come back here and click the link to purchase the book. Please note that you will be redirected to to purchase your book. Hope to see you soon.
Healing 101 - Soul Cleansing Schedule
Tuesdays from 7-9PM
Beginning Tuesday 2/27/24 and Ending 4/30/24
Registration Deadline is 2/26/24
Healing 102 - It's the Children's Bread Course Information
Prerequisite Course - Successful Completion of 'Healing 101'
This course will equip you, train you and send you forth, ready to do the work you've been called to do. We wil accomplish this in the following three parts: First we will deal with 'The Whole Truth'. This means looking at lies we've been told, discovering it's origin and purpose for your lives. How the lie manifested and why it's a foe or an allie. Next, we will delve into your Freedom in Christ Jesus. "Just like the children of Israel, whose freedom was secured by God and implemented by His vessel, Moses; there were consequential choices that had to be made for true freedom to manifest. Mere phsical freedom was not enough. Ultimately, it was the people's hearts and minds, joined with their faith, that would dictact their 'true' freedom from 'true' bondage." (Cathey, Triette E.) Third, and finally, this course will lead you through exploring The Call on Your Life and Why. You will also discover why being called and chosen is not enough, what the Will of God looks like and Submitting to it. Ready to Continue? Click the link below to Register. Once you've completed your registration make sure you come back here and click the link to purpose the book.
Healing 102 - It's the Children's Bread Schedule
Tuesdays from 7-9PM
Beginning Tuesday 5/14/24 and Ending 12/10/24
Book 1 - 5/14, 5/21, 5/28; 6/4/24 (4 Weeks)
Book 2 - 8/13, 8/20, 8/27; 9/3/24 (4 Weeks)
Book 3 - 9/17, 9/24, 10/8, 10/15, 10/22, 10/29; 12/3, 12/10/24 (8 Weeks)