Tree Of Life
Institute of Biblical Studies

Cultivating Futures
~One Leader At a Time~

A Few Things About Us...
Our Mission
Our Vision
Our Purpose
Our Focus
Our Mission is to Equip and Edify Believers for a lifestyle of Effective Christian Ministry in their Sphere of Influence and to Train Five-Fold Ministers for Significant Leadership in the Body of Christ.
We take a Pledge to be Purposeful to ‘Love, Liberate, Lead & Launch’ Men and Women into Their God-Given Destinies.
God has shown us (given us a Vision) of ‘A Powerful Army of Passionate, Committed Believers playing their part in reaching this end-time generation for Jesus with Word-based, Spirit-filled Ministry through the local church and its allied ministries. We see graduates continuing to serve the Lord in a variety of Ministry Capacities including (but not limited to) Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastor, Teachers, Youth & Children's' Ministries, Administration, Missions & Evangelism (Foreign & Domestic), as well as in their daily lives and Personal Spheres of Influence.'
We are Dedicated, Determined & Committed to Present a Biblical Foundation with a Ministerial Focus.